Sunday, June 3, 2012

Radio ignored the doctor's role

SOMETIME ago Radio Bristol, sent a reporter to St Martin's Hospital, Bath to do a story on the Eddie Cochran Memorial Stone.

William Chislett, who was then the Honorary Secretary of the Association of Friends of St Martin's Hospital, and had special information on Dr Clara Dunbar Cross, a consultant who was sent for to help save the life of Eddie Cochran. However the interview took just two minutes.

Radio Bristol did not even play one of his records, they didn't take any notice of the work done by the Friends of St Martin's Hospital, they didn't take any interest in the doctor who worked so hard to save his life after a car crash at Chippenham.

It would have been very interesting to hear about some of the facts behind this story and Radio Bristol wasted the chance to do a really good news story. Maybe they could do with a new controller who would take much more interest in local events.

P Morgan


Radio ignored  the doctor's role

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