Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Web App Allows People To Explore Eyewitness News Across Social Media Networks

New Context and Adaptive Path launch iWitness, a free web app, which helps users discover eyewitness news across a range of social media websites. Developed by New Context in partnership with designers of the application, Adaptive Path, the free web app allows people to explore content from social media services such as Flickr and Twitter by time and place. New Context worked closely with Adaptive Path to synthesize that feedback and incorporate it into the design, adding new features and shaping the final design. New Context is an agile company specializing in rapid sustainable development of mobile and web applications. Since launch, New Context has specialized in the development of mobile and web applications for both startups and Fortune 500 companies. Adaptive Path was one of the first design firms focused on user experience and over ten years has worked at the frontier of UX design, working with hundreds of organizations to define experiences for new products and services, strategically evolve existing ones and integrate experiences across channels.

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