Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Study Breaks Helps You Customize Your Facebook Timeline

Study Breaks, one of the leading college media entertainment companies, shows small businesses how to use the new Facebook timeline. Timeline has finally rolled out for brands, which means that a whole new strategy is needed to for a business to keep its current audience satisfied and help it gain new LIKE?s from its potential audience. Since February 29th, brand pages have been able to opt in for the new Timeline features. Viewers have a much easier job finding a company's information by simply clicking the Info section, photos, apps and map of visited places that are all right below the cover photo, making them ?impossible to miss.? Since it's only possible to tell a brand's story from a certain year, some believe that the Timeline limits their complete story and history. Businesses and brands used this powerful marketing feature which gave incentive to viewers on how, where and why one should click the LIKE button with special content/features such as coupons, contests, eBooks and much more, requiring the consumer or viewer to LIKE the Facebook fan page for these special promotions and incentives. [...] that users aren?t told what to do and where to do it, brands have to hope that the consumer actually knows where to find the application tab for these special incentives which will, of course, cost brands LIKE?s, email signups, entries to contests and various other key indicators. Timeline's Cover Photo does help enhance the branding process without relying on third party apps, but this cover photo comes with big restrictions. Social business has changed the way brands engage with the current and potential audience, and the art of storytelling is now the future of keeping consumers engaged.

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